- have journeyed with the Sisters of St John the Baptist as
Baptistine Associate Friends for at least one year
- have a strong desire to be more formally associated with
the Sisters while maintaining their own living and working
Women and men choosing this form of affiliation share in the charism and spirit of the Sisters of St John the Baptist through a commitment to active involvement in the apostolic works of the Sisters.
These Associates meet once a month at a local Baptistine convent to:
- share in faith, prayer and fellowship,
- receive spiritual guidance
- deepen their understanding of the mission and
charism of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist.
Additionally, they receive the Community newsletter, attend an annual meeting and weekend retreat, and are invited to participate in various Baptistine celebrations such as Founder’s Day, the annual Mass for Deceased Sisters, and selected Provincial meetings. A formal commitment to the Associates in Ministry program is made and renewed annually on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.
Are united with the Sisters of St John the Baptist in a spirit of prayer and mutual support. They may assist the Sisters informally in various activities but they do not make a formal commitment of involvement.
Like Associates in Ministry these Associates meet once a month at a local Baptistine convent to:
- to share in faith, prayer and fellowship,
- to receive spiritual guidance
- to deepen their understanding of the mission
and charism of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist.
Additionally, they receive the Community newsletter and are invited to attend an annual meeting and weekend retreat, as well as such Baptistine celebrations as Founder’s Day and the annual Mass for Deceased Sisters. A formal commitment for Baptistine Associate Friends is made and renewed annually on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.
- a desire to voice their prayer of praise and adoration to God
- agree to pray the Associates prayer each day for the Sisters of St. John the Baptist and their