St. John, illustrious Precursor of the Lord... Pray for us
St. John, foretold by the angel and the prophets... Pray for us
St. John, who received your name from God... Pray for us
St. John, who was conceived by a miracle... Pray for us
St. John, who leaped with joy in your mother’s womb... Pray for us
St. John, whose birth was accompanied by marvels... Pray for us
St. John, who was proclaimed great from your birth... Pray for us
St. John, at whose birth many rejoiced... Pray for us
St. John, who yet young, sought the solitude of the desert... Pray for us
St. John, who grew and became strong in the Spirit... Pray for us
St. John, who preached a baptism of repentance... Pray for us
St. John, who pointed out Jesus, the Lamb of God... Pray for us
St. John, who baptized Jesus in the Jordan... Pray for us
St. John, who preached the truth in the face of death... Pray for us
St. John, who sent his disciples to Jesus... Pray for us
St. John, whose death heralded the coming of the Kingdom... Pray for us
Let us pray:
God our Father, the voice of John the Baptist challenges us to repentance and points the way to Christ the Lord. Open our ears to his message and free our hearts to turn from our sins and receive the life of the Gospel. Grant that we may imitate John's fidelity to his mission and that like him, we may proclaim God’s Word in season and out of season. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
May we follow the example of St John the Baptist
and prepare the way of the Lord in the lives of others.